In an era where autonomous navigation, medical diagnostics and remote sensing are rapidly evolving, traditional cameras—limited to capturing only the red, green, and blue (RGB) light intensities—are falling short of data demands. These cameras often miss essential spectral and polarization details crucial for identifying materials, distinguishing healthy from diseased tissue, providing unique 3D situational awareness […]
About 100 years ago, humanity learned to see with the help of electrons. In 1924, Louis de Broglie posited that—like light particles—electrons have wave properties. In 1927, the U.S. physicists Davisson and Germer provided experimental proof of this.
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The ghost gun “may have been made on a 3D printer, capable of firing a 9 mm round,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said
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Messier 83, also known as the Southern Pinwheel galaxy, is one of the most prominent spiral galaxies in the night sky. It’s named for its resemblance to the Pinwheel galaxy and spans around 50,000 light-years, making it much smaller than the Milky Way galaxy, although it has a higher rate of star formation, as evidenced […]
We have only one example of biology forming in the universe—life on Earth. But what if life can form in other ways? How do you look for alien life when you don’t know what alien life might look like?
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Since 2018 the Zwicky Transient Facility, an international astronomical collaboration based at the Palomar Observatory in California, has scanned the entire sky every two to three nights. As part of this mission, the ZTF’s Bright Transient Survey has been counting and cataloging supernovae—flashes of light in the sky that are the telltale signs of stars […]
Could a decades-long debate about the mysterious movements of stars in Omega Centauri, the largest star cluster in the Milky Way, finally be resolved?
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In a new study, planetary scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have begun to unravel the factors that kick off major dust storms on Mars—weather events that sometimes engulf the entire planet in swirling grit. The team discovered that relatively warm and sunny days may help to trigger them.
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A new study by Rice University physicist Qimiao Si unravels the enigmatic behaviors of quantum critical metals—materials that defy conventional physics at low temperatures. Published in Nature Physics Dec. 9, the research examines quantum critical points (QCPs), where materials teeter on the edge between two distinct phases, such as magnetism and nonmagnetism. The findings illuminate […]
Quantum error correction that suppresses errors below a critical threshold needed for achieving future practical quantum computing applications is demonstrated on the newest generation quantum chips from Google Quantum AI, reports a paper in Nature this week. The device performance, if scaled, could facilitate the operational requirements of large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing.
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Overheating in electronic devices affects how it works and how long it lasts. One of the major challenges is efficiently managing the heat generated by these systems during operation, which involves controlling the thermal conductivity of the materials they comprise. While electric current can be easily manipulated in conventional electronic materials, heat presents a different […]
Class A; October 2024; Montana, Hill County
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We tie our shoes, we put on neckties, we wrestle with power cords. Yet despite deep familiarity with knots, most people cannot tell a weak knot from a strong one by looking at them, new Johns Hopkins University research finds.
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The death of at least 56 people in a stampede at a soccer stadium in Nzérékoré, Guinea, is the latest example of how quickly mass gatherings can turn catastrophic.
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A team of researchers from the University of Cologne, Hasselt University (Belgium) and the University of St Andrews (Scotland) has succeeded in using the quantum mechanical principle of strong light-matter coupling for an optical technology that overcomes the long-standing problem of angular dependence in optical systems.
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