SpaceX knocked out a midnight launch from Cape Canaveral on Sunday, but has a midnight Monday launch on tap from Kennedy Space Center to cap off a record year for the Space Coast.
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SpaceX knocked out a midnight launch from Cape Canaveral on Sunday, but has a midnight Monday launch on tap from Kennedy Space Center to cap off a record year for the Space Coast. Go to Source NASA’s upcoming Artemis II mission is slated to return astronauts to the moon no sooner than April 2026. Astronauts were last on the moon in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission. Go to Source Using the X-shooter instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), German astronomers have detected three new pre-white dwarfs, which turned out to be strongly hydrogen-deficient. The finding was reported in a research paper published December 20 on the pre-print server arXiv. Go to Source For now, the future of life on Earth is in human hands. But after the anthropocentric era, the situation starts to get dicey. The sun’s luminosity is increasing over time, about 1% every 110 million years, so the Earth’s surface will gradually get warmer (but at a vastly slower rate than today’s global warming). Go […] When quantum electrodynamics, the quantum field theory of electrons and photons, was being developed after World War II, one of the major challenges for theorists was calculating a value for the Lamb shift, the energy of a photon resulting from an electron transitioning from one hydrogen hyperfine energy level to another. Go to Source […] YouTube Video Here: The Black Knight is without a doubt one of the most talked about extraterrestrial objects orbiting our planet at the moment. When first sighted in orbit, it was thought to be a Russian Spy satellite, but this was very quickly dismissed.But the question is for how long has it […] The guards confronted the man, shots were fired, and the man fled on a bicycle, Los Angeles Police Officer Drake Madison said Go to Source “We have turned the tide against the violent crime that spiked during the pandemic,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said Go to Source “I want to show everybody that I’m here for the team…it’s [about] doing my job at the highest level possible,” San Antonio Officer Rhett Shoquist said Go to Source In addition to scores of cops in plainclothes, plans include highly-trained Emergency Services cops on rooftops, Aviation Unit cops in helicopters and bomb-sniffing dogs Go to Source This article was written by Simon E. Davies. Contributor at Many cultures from around the world speak of mythical lands, sunken cities and lost kingdoms that have defied all attempts in being discovered. It’s possible these mysterious civilizations have come and gone, reaching back further in time than history will ever […] Prof. Zhao Yinghe from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, along with collaborators, have conducted a study examining the correlation between the [C II] 158 micron emission and the CO(1-0) line. Their findings were published in The Astrophysical Journal. Go to Source There are several educative books that offer a great amount of insight into the construction of the Great Pyramids. One of those books worth mentioning (and one of the authors favorite) is The Egyptian Pyramids: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Reference by Author J. P. Lepre – this generously illustrated work is the […] India launched a rocket Monday carrying two small spacecraft to test docking in space, a critical step for the country’s dreams of a space station and a manned Moon mission. Go to Source |
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