After pulling over the driver in the carpool lane, officers found a lifeless entity seated beside them, CHP – San Jose said in a Facebook post
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After pulling over the driver in the carpool lane, officers found a lifeless entity seated beside them, CHP – San Jose said in a Facebook post Go to Source Detroit Police Chief James White, who has served as chief since 2021, is a licensed mental health therapist; the department has not announced who will replace him Go to Source Security video shows the man, wearing a fake police badge, entering a hotel room; he is accused of claiming to be an officer, handcuffing a woman inside and stealing her wallet Go to Source The Exclusion Zone at Chernobyl covers an area of approximately 2,600 km2 (1,000 sq mi) immediately surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant where radioactive contamination from nuclear fallout is highest and public access and inhabitation are restricted. Despite that, life has found a way. A new study has found that Wildlife is proliferating in […] YouTube Video Here: It’s the 1990s. A group of archeologists in Mexico City had been excavating parts of an Aztec temple over 500 years old when they uncovered something exciting — a body. But this isn’t just a random burial. This is the body of someone who was sacrificed. The body has been […] Placer County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Axel discovered the drug stash after the two suspects had stuffed it inside the bread behind a supermarket Go to Source The department planted a tree holding the nameplates of the 34 people killed in domestic incidents; presenters compared the tree-planting to growing a support system Go to Source Chiefs from several different departments reported issues with the size of the backseat, officers’ ability to get in and out and the lack of places to take cover during a shootout Go to Source Greek and Roman mythology and culture have long been at the forefront of pop culture and study in western society. There’s just something so intriguing about it all—the gods, the legends, the art. Not only are there many myths and stories, there are many versions of these stories. With such […] As officers were arresting one suspect, a second suspect emerged from a back room and opened fire, striking Officer S. Durfee Go to Source During the incident, the driver allegedly called 911 to threaten Utah troopers who were pursuing him Go to Source YouTube Video Here: For many years, explorers made it their mission to discover new places and people and tell the stories of what they saw. Through their stories and anecdotes, we can only hope to see a clearer picture of what they saw through their eyes and the paths […] Image: An artist’s impression of the newly discovered object. Image Credit: Credit: Ko Arimatsu. Astronomers have spotted what they claim is a relatively small (1.5 mile-wide) object ‘hovering’ at the outermost edge of our solar system. According to reports, scientists believe the recently-discovered object is the ‘first ever sighting of its kind’ and could […] “The officer acted in full compliance with department protocols and state regulations,” the Providence Police Department stated Go to Source The man, who was having a mental health crisis, had leapt from a ledge onto the tracks 25 feet below, severely injuring himself; officers pulled him off the tracks just in time Go to Source |
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