The Pasco County deputy was rescued from the cruiser by a Dade City police officer, who was able to escape from the vehicle, and bystanders
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The Pasco County deputy was rescued from the cruiser by a Dade City police officer, who was able to escape from the vehicle, and bystanders Go to Source Montgomery County officers, who believed the object was a knife, repeatedly instructed the man to drop the object as he continued to get closer Go to Source “We did not have any knowledge that he was armed until the time [the officer] turned that corner and was face-to-face with the firearm,” LVMPD Asst. Sheriff Jaime Prosser said Go to Source New observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have confirmed a decades-old galaxy model, originally proposed by a University of Portsmouth Professor in 2005. Go to Source During May 2024, a series of eruption events on the sun saw the largest geomagnetic storm hit Earth in two decades. The largest since the solar storms of Halloween 2003, it occurred from May 10 to May 13, producing aurorae as far south as the Canary Islands off Africa, the Florida Keys in the United […] Just like we use photos to reflect on memories of our past, astrophysicists want to use images of far-off galaxies to understand what the universe was like in its juvenile years. But current imaging technology can only reach so far back in history—90 to 95% of the volume of our 14-billion-year-old universe remains unseen. Go […] Disc golf is a sport growing in popularity, but there hasn’t been much research into the best techniques—until now. Researcher Zachary Lindsey and his team studied professional and amateur disc golf players in Georgia to analyze the effect of thumb grip on disc-throwing. Go to Source The bulk photovoltaic (BPV) effect is an uncommon phenomenon that may enable certain materials to outperform the conventional p–n junctions used in solar cells. Go to Source In a legal dispute between Elon Musk and the California Coastal Commission over the number of rockets the billionaire’s company can launch from the coast, Gov. Gavin Newsom has sided with Musk, saying over the weekend, “I’m with Elon.” Go to Source Pioneers of quantum computing have shared their dreams and skepticism about the fledgling industry, while Gov. JB Pritzker said he thinks it’s already attracting companies to Illinois. Go to Source Astronomers from Italy and Chile have investigated an accreted stellar stream named Icarus in the Milky Way’s disk. Results of the study, detailed in a research paper published October 16 on the preprint server arXiv, yield crucial information regarding the nature of this stellar stream. Go to Source A Pennsylvania couple broke away from an alien/reptile, Christianity-based “cult” led by a woman who believed she was the “Daughter of the Most High” and the “granddaughter of King David.” Days later, Barbara H. Rogers, 43, shot her boyfriend, Steven Mineo, 32, in the head. She claims he asked her to pull the trigger. […] One of the brightest stars in the night sky, Betelgeuse, may not be on the brink of exploding as a supernova, according to a new study of the star’s brightening and dimming. Instead, recent research shows that the observed pulsing of the starlight is probably caused by an unseen companion star orbiting Betelgeuse. Go to […] Billions of years ago, long before anything resembling life as we know it existed, meteorites frequently pummeled the planet. One such space rock crashed down about 3.26 billion years ago, and even today, it’s revealing secrets about Earth’s past. Go to Source A Southwest Research Institute researcher collaborated with a team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to attempt to explain the presence of mysterious flow features that exist on the surfaces of airless celestial bodies, such as the asteroids Vesta and Ceres, explored recently by the NASA Dawn mission, or Jupiter’s moon Europa, which will soon be […] |
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