When dispatch asked her to confirm she knew she was calling 911, she said she did; she said she was hurt, but the other person wasn’t armed.
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When dispatch asked her to confirm she knew she was calling 911, she said she did; she said she was hurt, but the other person wasn’t armed. Go to Source YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/6K_kM1n8DfY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 At ground level, it is almost not visible. But from high above, the shape and design becomes unmistakable: Serpent Mound is indeed in the shape of snake. And yet, that’s just the beginning of the mystery which still surrounds this incredible marvel of human achievement. Even the date of Serpent […] YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/boxCX-NKnR0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Has modern society continued to advance and progress since ancient times? That’s a general idea given the concept of evolution, but is it necessarily true with humans? If we consider the state of the world, we find civilizations with mostly patriarchal control. We see the rich few control the masses […] Astrophysical explosions are, to give a few examples, driven by the collapse of the iron core of a massive star (known as a core-collapse supernova), the consumption of spaghettified stellar remains by a massive black hole (known as a tidal disruption event), and runaway nuclear fusion on the surface of a white dwarf (known as […] Evidence suggests Mars could very well have been teeming with life billions of years ago. Now cold, dry, and stripped of what was once a potentially protective magnetic field, the red planet is a kind of forensic scene for scientists investigating whether Mars was indeed once habitable, and if so, when. Go to Source […] A recently discovered comet that some stargazers had hoped to see during Halloween week has disintegrated before the day of ghosts and ghouls. Go to Source China’s only woman spaceflight engineer will be among a crew of three astronauts blasting off on a “dream” mission to the Tiangong space station in the early hours of Wednesday. Go to Source Earlier this year, researchers at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) announced that they had successfully used a classical computer and sophisticated mathematical models to thoroughly outperform a quantum computer on a task that some thought only quantum computers could solve. Go to Source In a recent paper in Nature Physics, an international research collaboration used world-class instrumentation at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) to study the exotic nuclide, or rare isotope, chromium-62. Go to Source Summer heat has significant effects in the mountainous regions of the western United States. Melted snow washes from snowy peaks into the rivers, reservoirs, and streams that supply millions of Americans with freshwater—as much as 75% of the annual freshwater supply for some states. Go to Source NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is negotiating a steeply sloping route up Jezero Crater’s western wall with the aim of cresting the rim in early December. During the climb, the rover snapped not only a sweeping view of Jezero Crater’s interior, but also imagery of the tracks it left after some wheel slippage along the way. […] The FBI is joining local authorities investigating fires in ballot boxes in Portland and Vancouver Go to Source “You better have your doors locked,” the man told the Marion County Sheriff’s Office corporal Go to Source Our solar system dwells in a low-density environment called the Local Hot Bubble (LHB), filled by a tenuous, million-degree hot gas emitting dominantly in soft X-rays. A team led by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) used the eROSITA All-Sky Survey data and found a large-scale temperature gradient in this bubble, […] A new study by DTU Space researchers has revealed a neutron star that rotates around its axis at an extremely high speed. It spins 716 times per second, making it one of the fastest-spinning objects ever observed. Go to Source |
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