
Are The Akashic Records A Massive Cosmic Library?

Have you ever heard about the Akashic Records? Supposedly, the Akashic Records are a massive cosmic library where everything that has ever existed, and that will ever exist, is stored: it is like a massive memory bank, located outside the boundaries of time and space.

It is believed that the Akashic records contain all […]

Idaho K-9 killed, handler injured when cruiser rolled over during pursuit

“Officer Huss and K-9 Riddick were assigned to a late shift patrol team, where they were relied upon each shift to help keep our community safe,” the department stated

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Aether—The Pure Essence That The Gods Breathe, And The Fifth Cosmic Element

It was believed in ancient and medieval times that aether, also commonly spelled ether, was a mysterious material that filled the region of the cosmos above the terrestrial sphere.

It was a mysterious element, and the concept of ether was used to describe a number of natural phenomena, including light and how it traveled, […]

Potential indicators of life on other planets can be created in a lab

One way to understand the potential for life on far-off planets—those in other solar systems that orbit different stars—is to study a planet’s atmosphere. Telescopic images often capture traces of gases that may indicate life and habitable planets. But findings from a new study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder challenge this […]

A new catalog charts the evolution of the universe over time

An atlas doesn’t seem to be an essential item in cars these days, but think about them and most people will think about distances. An atlas of the stars not only covers distances but must also take into account time too. The Andromeda galaxy, for example, is so far away that its light takes 2.5 […]

Low gravity in space travel found to weaken and disrupt normal rhythm in heart muscle cells

Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists who arranged for 48 human bioengineered heart tissue samples to spend 30 days at the International Space Station report evidence that the low gravity conditions in space weakened the tissues and disrupted their normal rhythmic beats when compared to Earth-bound samples from the same source.

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Those aren’t Dyson spheres, they’re HotDOGs

If there really are advanced alien civilizations out there, you’d think they’d be easy to find. A truly powerful alien race would stride like gods among the cosmos, creating star-sized or galaxy-sized feats of engineering. So rather than analyzing exoplanet spectra or listening for faint radio messages, why not look for the remnants of celestial […]

Perseverance rover spots unusual striped rock on Mars

Last week, team scientists and the internet alike were amazed when Perseverance spotted a black-and-white striped rock unlike any seen on Mars before. Is this a sign of exciting discoveries to come?

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Study raises questions about validity of standard model of solar flares

Solar flares are extremely intense events that occur in the sun’s atmosphere, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. According to the standard flare model, the energy that triggers these explosions is transported by accelerated electrons that hurtle from the magnetic reconnection region in the corona to the chromosphere.

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Earth is getting a tiny new mini-moon. It won’t be the first (or the last)

Earth is going to have its very own mini-moon from September 29 until November 25. The regular moon’s new, temporary friend is 2024 PT₅, an asteroid captured from the Arjuna asteroid group (called the “Arjunas”).

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Quantized redshift and challenges to Big Bang hypothesis

A Doppler shift is defined as a change of frequency of light or sound when an object is moving toward or away from an observer. Edwin Hubble observed in 1929 that galaxies appear on average to be moving away from us (see figure above), which could indicate that the universe is expanding, an effect that […]

High-resolution images of the sun show how flares impact the solar atmosphere

Solar flares are a fascinating thing and have a profound effect on what astronomers refer to as “space weather.” These events vary with the sun’s 11-year solar cycle, releasing immense amounts of radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum (from extreme ultraviolet to X-rays) into space.

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Advanced civilizations will overheat their planets within 1,000 years, researchers suggest

Earth’s average global temperatures have been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), Earth has been heating up at a rate of 0.06°C (0.11°F) per decade since 1850—or about 1.11°C (2°F) in total.

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New physics needed? Experts suggest possibility of updating fundamental physics concepts

An unexpected finding about how our universe formed is again raising the question: do we need new physics? The answer could fundamentally change what physics students are taught in classes around the world.

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Controlling light while measuring trapped ion qubits

Quantum information is fragile and often difficult to protect during experiments. Protecting qubits from accidental measurements is essential for controlled quantum operations, especially during state-destroying measurements or resets on adjacent qubits in protocols like quantum error correction.

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