
Exploiting quantum squeezing to enhance precision of measurements in systems with multiple factors

Quantum squeezing is a concept in quantum physics where the uncertainty in one aspect of a system is reduced while the uncertainty in another related aspect is increased.

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The Bible, Flying Machines, And How Enoch And Prophet Elijah Were ‘Taken To The Heavens’

When you read texts written thousands of years ago and find them mentioning flying chariots, fire, smoke, and mysterious beings, you can’t help and wonder whether or not the ancients were actually speaking about alien visitations.

Authors who are usually convinced there’s evidence of alien visitation written down in important works of literature such […]

Earth to capture a ‘second moon’ this weekend, NASA says

Earth will capture a miniature, “second moon” this week, according to NASA scientists.

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Advanced data shed light on gravitational basins of attraction that shape the movement of galaxies

A new study has mapped out the gravitational basins of attraction in the local universe, offering fresh insights into the large-scale cosmic structures that shape the movement of galaxies. The study has been published in Nature Astronomy.

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Orbital angular momentum monopoles discovery propels orbitronics forward in energy-efficient tech

Orbital angular momentum monopoles have been the subject of great theoretical interest as they offer major practical advantages for the emerging field of orbitronics, a potential energy-efficient alternative to traditional electronics. Now, through a combination of robust theory and experiments at the Swiss Light Source SLS at Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, their existence has been […]

The Kebra Nagast—King Solomon And The Mystery of Flying Carpets

In Brief: Flying carpets are mentioned in a number of legends. For example, it is said that King Solomon possessed a flying carpet sixty miles long and sixty miles wide, capable of transporting 40,000 men.

(function(d, s, id) { if (d.getElementById(id)) return; var js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ‘//’; d.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0].appendChild(js); […]

First lunar farside samples from Chang’e-6 mission analyzed

A team of Chinese scientists has studied the first lunar farside samples brought back by the Chang’e-6 mission. The findings mark a significant milestone in lunar exploration science and technical exploration capability. The study was published in National Science Review on Sept. 16.

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Turbulent solar wind originates in the sun’s corona, study shows

Solar wind is a never-ending stream of charged particles coming from the sun. Rather than a constant breeze, this wind is rather gusty. As solar wind particles travel through space, they interact with the sun’s variable magnetic field, creating chaotic and fluctuating motion known as turbulence.

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Dark matter could have slight interaction with regular matter, study suggests

The reason we call dark matter dark isn’t that it’s some shadowy material. It’s because dark matter doesn’t interact with light. The difference is subtle, but important. Regular matter can be dark because it absorbs light. It’s why, for example, we can see the shadow of molecular clouds against the scattered stars of the Milky […]

NASA’s Artemis science instrument gets tested in moon-like sandbox

On Sept. 9 and 10, scientists and engineers tested NASA’s LEMS (Lunar Environment Monitoring Station) instrument suite in a “sandbox” of simulated moon regolith at the Florida Space Institute’s Exolith Lab at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.

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Hubble finds that a black hole beam promotes stellar eruptions

In a surprise finding, astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have discovered that the blowtorch-like jet from a supermassive black hole at the core of a huge galaxy seems to cause stars to erupt along its trajectory. The stars, called novae, are not caught inside the jet, but are apparently in a dangerous neighborhood […]

The universe is smoother than the standard model of cosmology suggests. So is the theory broken?

Given how unfathomably large the universe is, it is perhaps understandable that we haven’t yet cracked all its secrets. But there are actually some pretty basic features, ones we used to think we could explain, that cosmologists are increasingly struggling to make sense of.

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NYC mayor charged with taking bribes, illegal campaign funds from foreign sources

Eric Adams, a former police captain, denied wrongdoing and said he doesn’t plan to resign

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Scientists create model of holographic dark energy that is no longer unstable

In 1998, scientists discovered that our universe expands with acceleration, and in order to explain this effect, the concept of dark matter was introduced. This is a special type of energy that fills up all of existing space-time but is impossible to detect by direct methods.

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Completed experiments on International Space Station to help answer how boiling and condensation work in space

After a decade of preparation and two years of active experiments in space, a facility that Purdue University and NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland designed, built and tested has completed its test campaign on the International Space Station.

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