
On the way to optical logic gates: Study demonstrates the basics for purely optical processing of information

In a collaboration between scientists from Physics and Chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and Physical Chemistry at the University of Melbourne, it has now been possible to realize optically switchable photonic units that enable precise addressing of individual units. This will make it possible to reliably store and read binary information optically.

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Two solar probes are helping researchers understand what phenomenon powers the solar wind

Our sun drives a constant outward flow of plasma, or ionized gas, called the solar wind, which envelops our solar system. Outside of Earth’s protective magnetosphere, the fastest solar wind rushes by at speeds of over 310 miles (500 kilometers) per second. But researchers haven’t been able to figure out how the wind gets enough […]

Origins of variability in X-ray photons from a symbiotic binary star as revealed by dimensionality reduction

Symbiotic binary stars are a type of binary star system that consists of a compact star (such as a white dwarf) and a red giant star. In these systems, a compact star accretes materials from a red giant star and produces soft X-ray photons. However, some of them—known as hard X-ray-emitting symbiotic stars—also produce powerful […]

Researchers explore the nature of a newborn stellar cluster

Researchers have conducted detailed infrared observations of a recently formed stellar cluster in a giant molecular cloud designated G148.24+00.41. Results of the observational campaign, presented in a research paper published August 23 on the pre-print server arXiv, deliver important insights into the nature of this newborn cluster.

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Experiments demonstrates chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion

Heat engines, converting heat into useful work, are vital in modern society. With advances in nanotechnology, exploring quantum heat engines (QHEs) is crucial for designing efficient systems and understanding quantum thermodynamics.

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Researcher discusses a new type of collective interference effect

A team led by Robert Keil and Tommaso Faleo from the Department of Experimental Physics has investigated the relationship between entanglement and interference in quantum systems of more than two particles in the laboratory.

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Who Was Methuselah? A Man Who Lived For 969 Years According To The Bible

Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather, is considered the man with one of the longest lifespan’s in history and is said to have lived for 969 years until the great flood swept across the land.

But not only is this Biblical character fascinating for his longevity, he is also very important for a number of other […]

‘Most popular officers’: Nev. K-9s help out at school

The Clark County School District’s K-9s are meant to be friendly and act as proactive and preventative measures and help police build positive relationships with students

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NASA lines up return date for Boeing Starliner minus humans

A Butch- and Suni-less Boeing Starliner has been given a date to return to Earth by NASA.

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FAA lets SpaceX get back to launches, but Polaris Dawn awaits good weather

SpaceX got the OK to fly again from the Federal Aviation Administration and didn’t waste any time knocking out launches from both Florida and California early Saturday, but the crewed Polaris Dawn launch remains on hold because of weather.

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Study predicts a new quantum anomalous crystal in fractionally filled moiré superlattices

Moiré superlattices, structures that arise when two layers of two-dimensional (2D) materials are overlaid with a small twist angle, have been the focus of numerous physics studies. This is because they have recently been found to host novel fascinating unobserved physical phenomena and exotic phases of matter.

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LAPD cracks down on copper wire thefts, warns of more arrests

City Council President Paul Krekorian announced that 16,000 pounds of copper wire valued at $40,000 has been recovered during a recent two-month LAPD crackdown

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First responders gather to test, evaluate how drones can be used to communicate with large crowds

A drone equipped with a large speaker and boom microphone was created for first responders as a tool for safer two-way communication with large crowds

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Inside the ‘golden age’ of alien hunting at the Green Bank Telescope

Nestled between mountains in a secluded corner of West Virginia, a giant awakens: the Green Bank Telescope begins its nightly vigil, scanning the cosmos for secrets.

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Christa McAuliffe, still pioneering, is first woman with a statue on New Hampshire capitol grounds

Decades after she was picked to be America’s first teacher in space, Christa McAuliffe is still a pioneer—this time as the first woman to be memorialized on the grounds of New Hampshire’s Statehouse, in the city where she taught high school.

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