
Physicists combine multiple Higgs boson pair studies and discover clues about the stability of the universe

Remember how difficult it was to find one Higgs boson? Try finding two at the same place at the same time. Known as di-Higgs production, this fascinating process can tell scientists about the Higgs boson self-interaction.

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New method enhances X-ray microscopy for detecting tiny defects

X-ray microscopes are essential for examining components and materials because they can be used to detect changes and details in the material. Until now, however, it has been difficult to detect small cracks or tiny inclusions in the images.

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New technique achieves visualization of instantaneous states of materials in high-speed devices

Researchers at University of Tsukuba have developed an ultrafast time-resolved scanning electron microscopy instrument by integrating a scanning electron microscope with a femtosecond laser. This innovative system facilitates the observation of the instantaneous states of various materials. Their paper is published in the journal ACS Photonics.

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New method enhances Brillouin optical fiber sensing for infrastructure monitoring

Brillouin scattering is the phenomenon of the inelastic scattering of light by thermally generated acoustic vibrations. Brillouin-based optical fiber sensing can be used to measure temperature and strain distributions by determining how the light scatters in the presence of various stimuli.

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Another Universe may have bumped into ours and we may have proof

Scientists believe that ANOTHER universe may have BUMPED into ours, and there’s even proof of that.

The Cold Spot area resides in the constellation Eridanus in the southern galactic hemisphere. The insets show the environment of this anomalous patch of the sky as mapped by Szapudi’s team using PS1 and WISE data and […]

Dash cam video: Man steals federal agent’s vehicle, leads Ore. police on high-speed pursuit

While in the Homeland Security SUV, the suspect heard agents found a hidden phone; he then said, “This is not going to go good for me,” got into the driver’s seat and drove away

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BWC: Handcuffed man steals Maine PD cruiser, leads officers on pursuit before chaotic shootout

The man stole the Paris Police chief’s cruiser, then led officers from multiple agencies on a pursuit before he crashed the cruiser and fired at officers

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Video: Man threatens Mich. officers; uses own kids as barricade to avoid arrest

The suspect called Farmington Hills PD and threatened to beat and shoot officers; the next day, he called one of the officer’s fathers to say the officer wasn’t safe

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Marsquakes could reveal whether liquid water exists underground on red planet

If liquid water exists today on Mars, it may be too deep underground to detect with traditional methods used on Earth. But listening to earthquakes that occur on Mars—or marsquakes—could offer a new tool in the search, according to a team led by Penn State scientists.

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Research investigates chemical composition of globular cluster Terzan 6

Astronomers have performed a comprehensive chemical study of a Galactic globular cluster known as Terzan 6. Results of the study, presented in a research paper published June 11 on the pre-print server arXiv, could advance our knowledge about the properties and nature of this cluster.

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Researchers observe a large anomalous Hall effect triggered by spin-fluctuating devil’s staircase

A research group from University of Tsukuba has discovered that fluctuations of electron spins in magnetic materials trigger a large anomalous Hall effect during phase transition known as the devil’s staircase magnetic transition.

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Physicists find a new way to represent π

While investigating how string theory can be used to explain certain physical phenomena, scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have stumbled upon on a new series representation for the irrational number π. It provides an easier way to extract π from calculations involved in deciphering processes like the quantum scattering of high-energy particles. […]

Scientific research: Why did day become night during the crucifixion of Jesus?

Luke 23:44 “it was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle…”

The so-called Eclipse of the century, which will happen August 21, 2017, will be visible from the United […]

Florida Skunk Ape Encounters

A couple encounter stories from the state of Florida, home of the skunk ape, bigfoot’s swampy cousin. From the Bigfoot Case Files youtube channel.

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Boy Has Bigfoot Sighting While Sledding

From the Buckeye Bigfoot youtube channel comes a collection of bigfoot stories including a sighting a boy had while sledding.

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