
Researchers develop MoonIndex, open-source software that allows study of lunar surface

With MoonIndex, researchers from Constructor University and the National Institute of Astrophysics in Italy have developed an open-source software that for the first time gives scientists access to a free tool that creates science-ready products from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) to study the composition of the lunar surface. It also enables a wide range […]

BWC video captures Fla. officer’s struggle with teen trying to grab gun from waistband

“The defendant had a short, barreled rifle partially visible inside his waistband… (He) had a grip on the rifle and a scuffle began,” the Marion County Deputy stated

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Predicting changes inside astronauts’ bodies during space travel through blood sample analysis

The acceleration of space exploration, promoted by astronaut recruitment and private space travel, heralds an imminent future where space travel becomes increasingly common. However, numerous questions persist regarding the physical changes that humans undergo in space.

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Jupiter’s upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

Using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, scientists observed the region above Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot to discover a variety of previously unseen features. The region, previously believed to be unremarkable in nature, hosts a variety of intricate structures and activity.

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Detecting intelligent life that’s light years away: Greenhouse gases could signal alien activity

If aliens modified a planet in their solar system to make it warmer, we’d be able to tell. A new UC Riverside study identifies the artificial greenhouse gases that would be giveaways of a terraformed planet.

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Astronomers study evolution of a giant outburst in X-ray binary EXO 2030+375

An international team of astronomers has observed an X-ray binary system known as EXO 2030+375. Results of the observation campaign, presented in a research paper published June 18 on the pre-print server arXiv, provide more insights into the evolution and nature of a giant outburst of this system observed three years ago.

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Year’s 1st SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch on tap Tuesday with NOAA satellite

SpaceX is locked and loaded for what would be only the 10th launch for its powerhouse Falcon Heavy rocket Tuesday, scheduled to take a powerful weather satellite to space if weather cooperates.

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Foregoing quantum chaos to achieve high-fidelity quantum state transfer

An international team of scientists from China and the U.S. has developed a scalable protocol for high-fidelity quantum state transfer (QST) in a 36-qubit superconducting quantum circuit.

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Quantum annealer improves understanding of quantum many-body systems

Physicists have long been pursuing the idea of simulating quantum particles with a computer that is itself made up of quantum particles. This is exactly what scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich have done together with colleagues from Slovenia.

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Researchers move floating objects with soundwaves

EPFL researchers have succeeded in directing floating objects around an aquatic obstacle course using only soundwaves. Their novel, optics-inspired method holds great promise for biomedical applications such as noninvasive targeted drug delivery.

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Model shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world

How do particles move in turbulent fluids? The answer to this question can be found in a new model presented in a thesis from the University of Gothenburg. The model could help speed up the development of new drugs.

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Quantum state mixing in photobiology: New insight from ultrafast terahertz Stark spectroscopy

The membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin is a proton pump, in which proton transport is initiated by the light-induced isomerization of the chromophore retinal. The molecular quantum states involved in this ultrafast reaction have now been characterized by measuring their electric dipole moment.

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ELK RIVER / DELLROSE CLUSTER: Large greenish eyes outside mother’s window at 3AM + other Class B stuff (non-visual) (Report 77199)

Class B; April 2023; Tennessee, Lincoln County

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ELK RIVER / DELLROSE CLUSTER: Mother and daughter hear loud bigfoot howls near Hobbs Bridge over Elk River (Report 50250)

Class B; October 2015; Tennessee, Lincoln County

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ELK RIVER / DELLROSE CLUSTER: Hunters hear howls on private lease near Elk River and Cheatham Road (Report 58593)

Class B; November 2017; Tennessee, Lincoln County

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