
Mysterious ‘underwater wall’ that encompasses the entire planet found on Google Earth

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A mysterious video posted on YouTube claims there is a supermassive wall located beneath Earth’s oceans, encompassing the entire planet.

This mysterious wall, found by a YouTube channel called ‘Flat Earth Arabic’ claims the massive wall tens of thousands of miles across beneath the ocean.

In the distant past, […]

BWC: Escaped inmate leads Fla. cops on foot pursuit after he was found hiding in woman’s car

The escaped inmate fled when Lady Lake police officers arrived at the woman’s house; he ran a short distance before turning around and giving himself up

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New photonic crystal approach can enable sensitive and affordable detection of biomarkers

Biomarkers are small molecules of interest to researchers, because they can indicate underlying diseases, often even before symptoms even appear. However, detecting these markers can be challenging as they are often present in very low quantities, especially in the early stages of a disease. Traditional detection methods, while effective, usually require expensive components like prisms, […]

Martian meteorites deliver a trove of information on red planet’s structure

Mars has a distinct structure in its mantle and crust with discernible reservoirs, and this is known thanks to meteorites that scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and colleagues have analyzed on Earth.

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Cryovolcanism: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has had the privilege of spending the last several months venturing into a multitude of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets, planetary atmospheres, planetary geophysics, cosmochemistry, meteorites, radio astronomy, extremophiles, organic chemistry, and black holes, and their importance in helping teach scientists and the public about our […]

A new deep-learning algorithm can find Earth 2.0

How can machine learning help astronomers find Earth-like exoplanets? This is what a new study hopes to address as a team of international researchers investigated how a novel neural network-based algorithm could be used to detect Earth-like exoplanets using data from the radial velocity (RV) detection method.

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New imager acquires amplitude and phase information without digital processing

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have achieved a significant milestone in optical imaging technology. A new all-optical complex field imager has been developed, capable of capturing both amplitude and phase information of optical fields without the need for digital processing.

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AI helps scientists understand cosmic explosions

Scientists at the University of Warwick are using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze cosmic explosions known as supernovae. Their paper is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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News from ‘El Gordo’: Study suggests dark matter may have collisional properties after all

Contrary to what is established by the standard model, dark matter may indeed be self-interacting. This was the conclusion of a piece of research published in Astronomy & Astrophysics and conducted by Riccardo Valdarnini of SISSA’s Astrophysics and Cosmology group. Using numerical simulations, the study analyzed what happens inside “El Gordo” (literally “The Fat One” […]

Space station research advances NASA’s plans to explore the moon, Mars

Space, the saying goes, is hard. And the farther humans go, the harder it can get.

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First Sentinel-5 instrument leaves RAL Space for satellite integration

The first Sentinel-5 instrument has left RAL Space for integration onto the MetOp-SG A satellite, where it will contribute to improved monitoring of air quality, changes in the ozone layer, and emissions from wildfires.

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An outlandish molecule may be lurking inside Uranus and Neptune, affecting their magnetic fields

Skoltech scientists and their Chinese colleagues have determined the conditions that enable the existence of a very peculiar ion. Dubbed aquodiium, it can be conceptualized as an ordinary neutral molecule of water with two additional protons stuck to it, resulting in a net double positive charge.

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Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter’s moon Io rival those from spacecraft

New images of Jupiter’s volcano-studded moon Io, taken by the Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona, offer the highest resolution of Io ever achieved with an Earth-based instrument. The observations were made possible by a new high-contrast optical imaging instrument, dubbed SHARK-VIS, and the telescope’s adaptive optics system, which compensates for the blurring […]

On-chip GHz time crystals with semiconductor photonic devices pave way to new physics and optoelectronic applications

Researchers have for the first time observed a time crystal on a microscale semiconductor chip oscillating at a rate of several billion times per second, unveiling exceptionally high non-linear dynamics in the GHz range.

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Dark matter could make our galaxy’s innermost stars immortal

Stars near the center of our galaxy are acting kind of weird. Dark matter may be the explanation.

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