Astronomers from the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) report the discovery of a new millisecond pulsar in the “Snake”—a radio filament in the galactic center. It is the first millisecond pulsar detected in the center of our galaxy. The finding was detailed in a paper published April 13 on the pre-print server arXiv.
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Though “coupled oscillations” may not sound familiar, they are everywhere in nature. The term “coupled harmonic oscillators” describes interacting systems of masses and springs, but their utility in science and engineering does not end there. They describe mechanical systems like bridges, the bonds between atoms, and even gravitational tidal effects between the Earth and the […]
Physicists have long theorized that our universe may not be limited to what we can see. By observing gravitational forces on other galaxies, they’ve hypothesized the existence of “dark matter,” which would be invisible to conventional forms of observation.
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YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZNkmhY_ju8o?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
It sounds like a science fiction script for an upcoming movie about NASA, Astronauts, and aliens on the moon. However, according to several reports, and alleged transcripts between the command center and Apollo astronauts on the moon, mankind encountered otherworldly technology upon setting foot on the lunar surface.
Interesting details […]
The recent discovery of a potential new class of distant and mysterious “free-floating” planets has intrigued astronomers since stunning new images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope were shared late last year.
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A team of international researchers studied galaxy NGC 4383, in the nearby Virgo cluster, revealing a gas outflow so large that it would take 20,000 years for light to travel from one side to the other.
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Among the numerous ancient texts, manuscripts and scrolls that completely disagree with mainstream history –or at least offer a complementary view— we find the ancient Sumerian King list which according to many is one of the most mysterious and important ancient texts ever discovered on Earth.
Why? Because it suggests that the ancient […]
Deputy Tobin Bolter, 27, who joined the Ada County Sheriff’s Office in January, had been in law enforcement for seven years
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The origin of life on Earth is still enigmatic, but we are slowly unraveling the steps involved and the necessary ingredients. Scientists believe life arose in a primordial soup of organic chemicals and biomolecules on the early Earth, eventually leading to actual organisms.
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The officer’s vehicle was taken, but police have not confirmed whether the shooting was part of a carjacking
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The discovery of an ancient artifact, mainly composed out of aluminum is considered as compelling evidence of ‘ancient astronaut’ visitations to Earth over 250,000 years ago. Lab tests have confirmed the age of the artifact and its mysterious composition.
The idea that humanity has been visited by beings not from Earth in the […]
“[The program] serves as a bridge between the individual skills acquired in the military and the opportunities awaiting them in the civilian workforce,” said Major General Shawn Manke , Minnesota National Guard adjutant general
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St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Betsinger fell from the boat when it hit a rogue wave; Kyle Purvis, Cody King and Brandon Keller pulled him from the water
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“…Out of the middle of its division, a burning torch sprang, throwing out a long way, flames, coals, and sparks. As well, the moon’s body which was lower, twisted as though anxious, and in the words of those who told me and had seen it with their own eyes, the moon palpitated like […]
Many people with an interest in UFOs are familiar with the infamous Area 51. Located in the Nevada…
The post Kenny Veach: Youtuber Who Disappeared After Finding Vibrating Cave Near Area 51 appeared first on Infinity Explorers.
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