Check out these incredible images. In NASA photographs, captured by SOHO, we see a number of strange objects that appear to be traveling towards the sun.
One of the most incredible images is without a doubt, that of an ‘angelic-like’ UFO, clearly seen travelling towards the Sun. The object in question is humongous, but what is it?
Is it possible that this is, in fact, a real Alien Space Ship? Sceptics say no, but Ufologists are convinced that we are looking at one of the best pieces of evidence of Giant Alien structures in our Solar …read more […]
Semiconductor moiré superlattices are fascinating material structures that have been found to be promising for studying correlated electron states and quantum physics phenomena. These structures, made up of artificial atom arrays arranged in a so-called moiré configuration, are highly tunable and characterized by strong electron interactions. …read more […]
The remains of a fallen temple and other ‘religious’ artifacts are said to have been found on the surface of the red planet by UFO hunters. The set of interesting images surely is worth a look, but dont get too excited too soon.
While UFO hunters around the globe might seem convinced that they have found yet another crucial piece of evidence that the red planet was inhabited in the distant past, skeptics remain unconfident and suggest this ‘new’ findings is nothing more than another trick of lights and shadows.
UFO hunters from France found the crucifix-like object in one of the latest images …read more […]
Planets orbit their parent stars while separated by enormous distances—in our solar system, planets are like grains of sand in a region the size of a football field. The time that planets take to orbit their suns have no specific relationship to each other. …read more […]
Researchers have come to the conclusion that the enigmatic set of handprints were not made by human beings.
The mysterious set of handrpints do not belong to humans
Located in the vast arid desert near Egypt’s southwestern border with Lybia, amateur explorer stumbled upon the ‘Cave of Beasts’ in 2002. The cave, also known as Wadi Sura II, includes a total of 5000 images painted or engraved into the stone over 8,000 years ago.
The mysterious set of handprints, which amateur explorers discovered in an Egyptian cave in 2002 were not created by humans after all. A new study shows …read more […]
Debra Kauble’s encounter with the paranormal is not something you’d wish on anyone. In a world where the ordinary intersects with the extraordinary in the most unexpected ways, Debra Kauble stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of the unknown. Since a pivotal moment in 1983, Kauble’s life […]
Until now, accurately dating the art was considered impossible due to a lack of organic matter in most paintings which ruled out radiocarbon dating. However, a new method promises to deliver shocking results
Cave paintings of indigenous Australians could be so old that it would take the number one spot as oldest cave paintings on the planet, surpassing by far the extraordinary paintings of the Cave of Altamira (Spain) and Chauvet (France).
Now researchers equipped with the latest technology used in dating, are there to prove it definitively. Researchers estimate that the mysterious cave paintings of ancient inhabitants of Australia could prove …read more […]
A single-photon detector (SPD) is sensitive to incidence of individual quanta of light and has many applications in photonics, such as fluorescence measurements, laser ranging, optical time-domain reflectometer, and quantum optics experiments. …read more […]
On Deception Island in Antarctica, steam rises from the beaches, and glaciers dot the black slopes of what is actually an active volcano—a rare clash of ice and fire that provides clues to scientists about what life could look like on Mars. …read more […]
A feasibility study conducted at CSNS Back-n facility, recently published in Nuclear Science and Techniques, demonstrates a significant prospect of NRTA in nondestructive nuclide identification. …read more […]
On 4 February, asteroid 2011 MD will make its closest approach to the Earth. Though it will not be visible with the naked eye, the asteroid will pass 15,000,000 km away from Earth—much closer than those in the asteroid belt and less than 10% of the distance from Earth to its next nearest planet, Mars. …read more […]
Humanity’s quest to explore—and, perhaps eventually, colonize—outer space has prompted a great many ideas about how precisely to go about it. …read more […]
Teams from ESA, France’s space agency CNES and ArianeGroup successfully completed the disconnection and retraction of the Ariane 6 cryogenic systems on 30 January 2024. …read more […]
Trooper Zachary Fink was killed in a vehicle crash during a pursuit on Interstate 95 noth at Crosstown Parkway near Port St. Lucie at 3:00 a.m. At 2:40 am, the… …read more […]
The study of “exoplanets,” the sci-fi-sounding name for all planets in the cosmos beyond our own solar system, is a fairly new field. Mainly, exoplanet researchers like those in the ExoLab at the University of Kansas use data from space-borne telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope and Webb Space Telescope. Whenever news headlines offer findings of “Earth-like” planets or planets with the potential to support humanity, they’re talking about exoplanets within our own Milky Way. …read more […]