Before swearing in Ethan, 5, Tarrytown Police Department officers purchased a tiny uniform and took it to a local tailor to have patches added to the sleeves
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Before swearing in Ethan, 5, Tarrytown Police Department officers purchased a tiny uniform and took it to a local tailor to have patches added to the sleeves Go to Source Using the unprecedented capabilities of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, an international team of scientists has obtained the first spectroscopic observations of the faintest galaxies during the first billion years of the universe. These findings, published in the journal Nature, help answer a longstanding question for astronomers: What sources caused the reionization of the […] Peering deep into the infancy of the universe, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) recently confirmed the discovery of the brightest and fastest growing quasar. Quasars are luminous objects in the night sky powered by gas falling into a large black hole at the center of a galaxy. Go to Source […] Investigators are still trying to determine how the suspect obtained pepper spray; the deputy was in possession of her department-issued pepper spray, stun gun and service weapon after the escape Go to Source Evolution has produced a wondrously diverse variety of lifeforms here on Earth. It just so happens that talking primates with opposable thumbs rose to the top and are building a spacefaring civilization. And we’re land-dwellers. But what about other planets? If the dominant species on an ocean world builds a technological civilization of some sort, […] The first successful moon landing of a private lander, Odysseus, last week came a month after Japan and six months after India touched down on Earth’s natural satellite. Go to Source The possibility of past life on Mars: Biomolecules may have originated from atmospheric formaldehydeOrganic materials discovered on Mars may have originated from atmospheric formaldehyde, according to new research, marking a step forward in our understanding of the possibility of past life on the red planet. Go to Source In July of 2023, retired commander in the U.S. Navy David Fravor testified to the House Oversight Committee about a mysterious, Tic Tac-shaped object that he and three others observed over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. The congressional hearings riveted the world by bringing Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) out of the “alien truther” realm and […] A research team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the University of Salerno in Italy has discovered that thin films of elemental bismuth exhibit the so-called non-linear Hall effect, which could be applied in technologies for the controlled use of terahertz high-frequency signals on electronic chips. Go to Source A study led by Prof. Chen Xurong at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has provided new insights into the origins of proton mass. From an experimental standpoint, the researchers suggested that the influence of heavy quarks on proton mass could be bigger than scientists initially thought. The […] Four known Alien Species have been visiting our planet for thousands of years: Evidence supporting these claims can be found among numerous declassified documents released by several governmental agencies. According to, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960’s, at least four known alien species have been traveling to our planet […] An international team of astronomers has used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to conduct mid-infrared observations of a nearby supernova known as SN 1987A. Results of the observational campaign, published February 21 on the pre-print server arXiv, shed more light on the nature of this supernova. Go to Source An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) successfully conducted in-situ studies with a plasma generated inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). This marks the first time live SEM imaging while treating the sample with a plasma was achieved. The study is published in the journal Advanced Materials Technologies. Go to Source […] An American lunar lander that tipped over during its historic touchdown last week likely only has hours left until its battery runs out, the private company operating it said Tuesday. Go to Source A research team led by Professor Wang Cheng from the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) has developed a world-leading microwave photonic chip that is capable of performing ultrafast analog electronic signal processing and computation using optics. Go to Source |
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