While NASA is rooting for SpaceX to achieve Starship success so it can land humans on the moon, the U.S. military has plans of their own for the massive rocket that could include launches from Florida’s Space Coast.
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While NASA is rooting for SpaceX to achieve Starship success so it can land humans on the moon, the U.S. military has plans of their own for the massive rocket that could include launches from Florida’s Space Coast. Go to Source “After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years.” The Sumerian King list describes a time on Earth when Gods ruled for thousands of years over mankind. The Sumerian King […] Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said that after the woman began shooting, both officers “engaged” and the woman was killed Go to Source Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said that after the woman began shooting, both officers “engaged” and the woman was killed Go to Source Like many other creation stories from different cultures around the globe , Sumerian clay tablets tell the story of how GODS literally created and later modified mankind, creating man in their own image. The gods An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursanga create the black-headed people and create comfortable conditions for the animals to live and […] On February 1, 2024, Rina Valle Juarez and her husband were driving along the highway towards the community… The post Argentina Resident Captured Clear Photos Of a UFO appeared first on Infinity Explorers. Go to Source Astronomers have found the best evidence yet of a vast, young ocean beneath the icy exterior of Saturn’s Death Star lookalike mini moon. Go to Source “When Corporal Tripp asked him why he fled, [the suspect] stated he thought he could get away with it and that it would be fun,” the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said Go to Source “When Corporal Tripp asked him why he fled, [the suspect] stated he thought he could get away with it and that it would be fun,” the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said Go to Source Chicago Public Schools is seeking to remove the requirement that part-time security candidates “must have the legal authority to effectuate an arrest” Go to Source Chicago Public Schools is seeking to remove the requirement that part-time security candidates “must have the legal authority to effectuate an arrest” Go to Source A bomb team from the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office determined the “rusted and decayed” bomb was inert Go to Source A bomb team from the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office determined the “rusted and decayed” bomb was inert Go to Source Ancient Sumerian Accounts of the Great Flood speak of a time when ‘Gods’ came down from heaven creating the first cities on Earth… but these same ‘Gods’ left Earth to be safe in the heavens before the great Flood swiped across the planet. While there are many accounts of ancient, prehistoric floods, the […] Black holes not only existed at the dawn of time, they birthed new stars and supercharged galaxy formation, a new analysis of James Webb Space Telescope data suggests. Go to Source |
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