Since the 1960s, scientists have discovered more than a dozen fundamental particles. They all have fit perfectly into the theoretical framework known as the Standard Model, the best description physicists have of the subatomic world.
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Since the 1960s, scientists have discovered more than a dozen fundamental particles. They all have fit perfectly into the theoretical framework known as the Standard Model, the best description physicists have of the subatomic world. Go to Source Turkey’s first astronaut returned home to a hero’s welcome Monday, portrayed as a symbol of the country’s advances in technology and aerospace. Go to Source A team of researchers from the SETI Institute, Berkeley SETI Research Center and the University of Washington reported an exciting development for the field of astrophysics and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), using observations from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission to monitor the SETI Ellipsoid, a method for identifying potential signals from […] I used to love rocket launches when I was younger. During every launch, I imagined what it would feel like to be an astronaut sitting in the spacecraft, listening to that final countdown and then feeling multiple gees push me up through the atmosphere and away from our blue marble. Go to Source […] In diamonds (and other semiconducting materials), defects are a quantum sensor’s best friend. That’s because defects, essentially a jostled arrangement of atoms, sometimes contain electrons with an angular momentum, or spin, that can store and process information. This “spin degree of freedom” can be harnessed for a range of purposes, such as sensing magnetic fields […] Las Cruces Police Department Officer Jonah Hernandez died at a hospital after he was stabbed at least once; the witness used Hernandez’s police radio to call for help Go to Source Dash camera video from the Tontitown Police Department shows a cruiser rolling over multiple times after hitting the moving van Go to Source Las Cruces Police Department Officer Jonah Hernandez died at a hospital after he was stabbed at least once; the witness used Hernandez’s police radio to call for help Go to Source Dash camera video from the Tontitown Police Department shows a cruiser rolling over multiple times after hitting the moving van Go to Source Quantum technology could outperform conventional computers on some advanced optimization and computational tasks. In recent years, physicists have been working to identify new strategies to create quantum systems and promising qubits (i.e., basic units of information in quantum computers). Go to Source Are our bodies solid or liquid? We all know the convention—that solids maintain their shapes, while liquids fill the containers they’re in. But often in the real world, those lines are blurred. Imagine walking on a beach. Sometimes the sand gives way under feet, deforming like a liquid, but when enough sand grains pack together, […] Semiconductors are ubiquitous in modern technology, working to either enable or prevent the flow of electricity. In order to understand the potential of two-dimensional semiconductors for future computer and photovoltaic technologies, researchers from the Universities of Göttingen, Marburg and Cambridge investigated the bond that builds between the electrons and holes contained in these materials. Go […] By analyzing the images obtained with the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), astronomers have serendipitously discovered a new protoplanetary disk located some 800 light years away. The finding was reported in a paper published February 1 on the pre-print server arXiv. Go to Source Rochester researchers are uncovering the unexpected role of grain shape in the mixing of granular systems such as pharmaceuticals, cereal, and landslides. Go to Source Atomic clocks are a class of clocks that leverage resonance frequencies of atoms to keep time with high precision. While these clocks have become increasingly advanced and accurate over the years, existing versions might not best utilize the resources they rely on to keep time. Go to Source |
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