Collisions of high energy particles produce “jets” of quarks, anti-quarks, or gluons. Due to the phenomenon called confinement, scientists cannot directly detect quarks. Instead, the quarks from these collisions fragment into many secondary particles that can be detected. …read more […]
As artificial intelligence technologies such as Chat-GPT are utilized in various industries, the role of high-performance semiconductor devices for processing large amounts of information is becoming increasingly important. Among them, spin memory is attracting attention as a next-generation electronics technology because it is suitable for processing large amounts of information with lower power than silicon semiconductors that are currently mass-produced. …read more […]
A team of researchers has examined the Winchcombe meteorite and demonstrated the existence in it of nitrogen compounds such as amino acids and heterocyclic hydrocarbons—without applying any chemical treatment and by using a new type of detector design. …read more […]
The Danube Valley Civilization script is the oldest writing in the world and predates the Sumerian Writings in Mesopotamia and the Dispilo Tablet.
The Vinca Symbols (Source: Wikipedia)
While the Danube Valle civilization isn’t as famous as other ancient cultures around the globe, is it one of the oldest civilization to exist in Europe, developing from around 5,500 and 3,500 BC in an area known today as the Balkans, a vast area of land that stretches from Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North), and Croatia to Romania (West to East).
The Danube civilization was one of the most …read more […]
Barring weather delays, the space shuttle Endeavour will undergo its final, historic lift starting Monday night, a maneuver no other retired orbiter has undergone. …read more […]
Japan’s moon lander has come back to life, the space agency said Monday, enabling the craft to proceed with its mission of investigating the lunar surface despite its rocky start. …read more […]
Researchers have revealed exciting new findings at two of Egypt’s pyramids, boosting efforts to find out if the ancient world’s iconic monuments indeed contain secret chambers as many believe.
Researchers participating in the Scan Pyramids project have discovered numerous interesting details inside the Pyramid of ‘Cheops’ at the Giza plateau in Egypt which could help explain the system used to build this ancient monument and reveal more secrets about these antique structures that according to many, could predate the ancient Egyptian civilization.
Researchers from Egypt, France, Canada and Japan have been scanning four pyramids with thermal …read more […]
The mysterious ‘alien’ cranium was discovered in the mountains of Bulgaria by a 38-year old resident of Plovdiv. Until today, no one has been able to offer conclusive details about what the mysterious skull is. Fact or fiction? As always you decide.
When you want to prove that Aliens exist on Earth… what would be the first thing you would ask for? In our views, it’s physical evidence. Without physical evidence saying that aliens exist is just a wild theory actually, but what if we had physical evidence? I guess at that moment we would probably remain skeptical and say, Nah… …read more […]
Nearing the end of their life, they sit quietly for long periods of time, barely noticeable, before suddenly puffing out a cloud of smoke. …read more […]
NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter, which made history by achieving the first powered flight on another world, has officially ended its nearly three-year mission after sustaining rotor damage during its last outing, the space agency said Thursday. …read more […]
Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientist, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas, and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in his lifetime.
Tesla might be less known than Einstein or Edison, but his work and legacy deserve a lot more. Tesla’s inventions went far beyond electricity. With the air of his financial banker J.P. Morgan, in 1899 Tesla set up an experimental laboratory in Colorado Springs, containing …read more […]
The first space-based observatory designed to detect gravitational waves has passed a major review and will proceed to the construction of flight hardware. On Jan. 25, ESA (European Space Agency), announced the formal adoption of LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, to its mission lineup, with launch slated for the mid-2030s. ESA leads the mission, with NASA serving as a collaborative partner. …read more […]
Nearly five years ago, a globe-spanning team of astronomers gave the world its first-ever glimpse of a black hole. Now the team has validated both their original findings and our understanding of black holes with a new image of the supermassive black hole M87*. This supermassive black hole, 6.5 billion times the mass of our sun, resides at the center of the Messier 87 (M87) galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster, located 55 million light-years from Earth. …read more […]
In what sounds as a scene from an Indiana Jones movie, reports from Russian newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” indicate that a briefcase and two Alien-like skulls were discovered in the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygeya. Among the briefcase, its finders found two skulls belonging to an unknown creature. Ahnenerbe was probably the most secret society within the SS dedicated to the study of the occult and the supernatural forces on Earth. According to researchers, it is likely that members of the SS were interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens and the high amounts of …read more […]
Since methane was first detected in Mars’ atmosphere 20 years ago, scientists have struggled to uncover its origins and how it is transported around the Red Planet. Measurements from atmospheric samples collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover at Gale crater reveal fluctuations in methane levels over days and seasons, but pinpointing the timing and reasons for the variability has proved difficult. These emissions, possibly produced by subsurface microbes, could provide vital evidence of life on Mars. However, sampling strains Curiosity’s limited resources, so determining both why fluctuations occur and when to best capture samples is paramount. …read more […]