
Rocket carrying American lunar lander rolls to launchpad

Final preparations were underway Friday for the launch of the first American spacecraft to attempt a lunar landing in more than 50 years, under a new partnership between NASA and private industry. …read more […]

Using Berry phase monopole engineering for high-temperature spintronic devices

Spintronic devices are electronic devices that utilize the spin of electrons (an intrinsic form of angular momentum possessed by the electron) to achieve high-speed processing and low-cost data storage. In this regard, spin-transfer torque is a key phenomenon that enables ultrafast and low-power spintronic devices. Recently, however, spin-orbit torque (SOT) has emerged as a promising alternative to spin-transfer torque. …read more […]

NASA/JAXA XRISM mission reveals its first look at X-ray cosmos

The Japan-led XRISM (X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) observatory has released a first look at the unprecedented data it will collect when science operations begin later this year. …read more […]

Mysterious missing component in the clouds of Venus revealed

What are the clouds of Venus made of? Scientists know it’s mainly made of sulfuric acid droplets, with some water, chlorine, and iron. Their concentrations vary with height in the thick and hostile Venusian atmosphere. But until now they have been unable to identify the missing component that would explain the clouds’ patches and streaks, only visible in the UV range. …read more […]

George County Sheriff’s Office (MS)

Deputy Sheriff Jeremy Malone was shot and killed during a traffic stop in front of 12298 US Highway 98 at about 5:15 pm. He was shot as he approached the vehicle…. …read more […]

Calculating the number of oranges that can be plucked from a fruit stand before it collapses

A small team of physicists and mechanical engineers from Universidad de Antofagasta, Universidad Autónoma de Chile and Universidad de O’Higgins, all in Chile, has found a way to find the stability points of granularly arranged monolayers in a single pile with tilted slopes. …read more […]

Titan’s ‘magic islands’ are likely to be honeycombed hydrocarbon icebergs, finds study

Titan’s “magic islands” are likely floating chunks of porous, frozen organic solids, a new study finds, pivoting from previous work suggesting they were gas bubbles. The study was published in Geophysical Research Letters. …read more […]

Heat Scans of the Great Pyramid of Giza reveal mysterious anomalies

ad- - Heat Scans of the Great Pyramid of Giza reveal mysterious anomalies

This finding could prove to be one of the most important discoveries in the history of the Pyramids of Giza.

According to experts who have analyzed the Great Pyramid of Giza, there are ‘thermal anomalies’ that scientist say could lead to a previously unknown chamber inside the Great Pyramid.

Researchers have used thermal cameras to reveal higher temperatures in three stones. This has led experts to believe they have found a previously unknown chamber, concealed behind the stones of the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Basically thermal cameras detected temperature variations in three adjacent stones at the bottom of the structures. This discovery comers …read more […]

A method to straighten curved space-time

One of the greatest challenges of modern physics is to find a coherent method for describing phenomena, on the cosmic and microscale. For over a hundred years, to describe reality on a cosmic scale we have been using general relativity theory, which has successfully undergone repeated attempts at falsification. …read more […]

Navajo object to depositing human remains on Moon

The United States will soon launch its first spacecraft to attempt a soft lunar landing since the Apollo era, in a historic collaboration with the private sector—but not everyone is celebrating. …read more […]

New images reveal what Neptune and Uranus really look like

Neptune is fondly known for being a rich blue, and Uranus green—but a new study has revealed that the two ice giants are actually far closer in color than typically thought. …read more […]

Egypt before Pharaohs: When Gods ruled the Earth?

Egypt-Alien-Gods-Ancient-Code - Egypt before Pharaohs: When Gods ruled the Earth?

According to Plutarch: “Ra departed to the heavens and Osiris became pharaoh of Egypt with Isis and they built Thebes [the present Luxor]”.

Have you ever wondered about Pre-Pharaonic Egypt and its rulers, not according to mainstream scholars but according to ancient texts written thousands of years ago? In Ancient Egypt, long before the first ‘mortal’ Pharaoh known as Menes-Narmer ruled over the lands of Egypt there were other kings, deities and “those who came from above” who ruled over the land known as Egypt today. This time in history, the pre-pharaonic period remains a great mystery for most scholars and …read more […]

Breaking the 10-petawatt limit with a new laser amplification

Ultra-intense ultrashort lasers have a wide-ranging scope of applications, encompassing basic physics, national security, industrial service, and health care. In basic physics, such lasers have become a powerful tool for researching strong-field laser physics, especially for laser-driven radiation sources, laser particle acceleration, vacuum quantum electrodynamics, and more. …read more […]

Two companies will attempt the first US moon landings since the Apollo missions a half-century ago

China and India scored moon landings, while Russia, Japan and Israel ended up in the lunar trash heap. …read more […]

China’s FAST observatory is playing a key role in the search for aliens

Some years ago I remember running the SETI at Home screensaver and would watch it for hours to see if any peaks appeared naively thinking they might be signals from an alien civilization. There is no doubt that the search for extraterrestrials (ET) has captivated the minds of many people across the years. …read more […]