Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This giant black hole is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the nearest galactic neighbors to our own.
A privately owned lunar lander touched down on the moon Thursday, but as the minutes dragged on, flight controllers could not confirm its condition or whether it was even upright near the south pole.
Interstellar material has been discovered in our solar system, but researchers continue to hunt for where it came from and how it got here. A new study led by Western astrophysicists Cole Gregg and Paul Wiegert recommends Alpha Centauri—the next closest solar system to ours—is a great place to start, highlighting how and why it’s a prime target.
A drill for ice, a 4G network test, three rovers, and a hopping drone: a US company is hours away from its second lunar landing attempt on Thursday, aiming to advance technologies for future human missions.
Europe’s new Ariane 6 rocket successfully carried out its first commercial mission on Thursday, placing a French military satellite into orbit to give the continent a new independent access to space.
The ability to better steer particles suspended in liquids could lead to better water purification processes, new drug delivery systems, and other applications. The key ingredient, say Yale researchers, is a pinch of salt.
Scientists at Yokohama National University, in collaboration with RIKEN and other institutions in Japan and Korea, have made an important discovery about how electrons move and behave in molecules. This discovery could potentially lead to advances in electronics, energy transfer, and chemical reactions.
Neutrinos generated through solar fusion reactions travel effortlessly through the sun’s dense core. Each specific fusion process creates neutrinos with distinctive signatures, potentially providing a method to examine the sun’s internal structure. Multiple neutrino detection observatories on Earth are now capturing these solar particles, which can be analyzed alongside reactor-produced neutrinos with the data eventually enabling researchers to construct a detailed map of the interior of the sun.
A small international team of nanotechnologists, engineers and physicists has developed a way to force laser light into becoming a supersolid. Their paper is published in the journal Nature. The editors at Nature have published a Research Briefing in the same issue summarizing the work.
For over a century, physicists have grappled with one of the most profound questions in science: How do the rules of quantum mechanics, which govern the smallest particles, fit with the laws of general relativity, which describe the universe on the largest scales?
Are The White Alien Gods of Mesoamerica just another myth? Is it possible that these ancient deities are interconnected in one way or another?Join us in this article where we take a look at the history of the most important Ancient Gods of the Americas.Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca mythology. He was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the creator of all things. According to ancient legend, Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon, stars and time by commanding the sun to move over the sky and created afterward, civilization itself. Viracocha was worshiped as the god of the sun and of storms. Interestingly, like many other Mesoamerican gods, he traveled across the lands teaching ancient mankind and bringing order and civilization to the inhabitants of South America. ![]() Just like other Gods from Mesoamerica, he too said to return one day to its people. He was considered one of the most important, if not the MOST important deity in the Inca culture. According to mythological accounts, Viracocha rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring light. He made mankind out of stones, but his first creation were brainless giants that displeased him. A feathered serpent deity has been worshiped by many different ethnopolitical groups in Mesoamerican history: Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan. Where is the connection well… It seems that Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, and Kukulkan are closely connected. The worship of a feathered serpent is first known documented in ancient Teotihuacan dating back to the first century BC or first century AD In the Maya area, he was approximately equivalent to Kukulcan and Gukumatz, names that also roughly translate as “feathered serpent” in different Mayan languages. Like the Maya, the inhabitants of Tiahuanaco mysteriously disappeared around 1100 AD. Tiahuanaco is a true masterpiece of ancient construction, not only did they have incredibly well-designed temples and plazas; Tiahuanaco had major features in political development, agriculture and in several industries in the region making it one of the most advanced cultures in ancient times. Mythologically, Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco are very connected. Ancient legend has that Tiahuanaco was built as a religious site to celebrate the arrival of sky gods at Puma Punku. During excavations in the 60’s a Temple was unearthed at Tiahuanaco, present at this “sunken temple” several odd features like on the walls, the most interesting ones are the carvings of several faces, which according to some researchers, depict all of the races of mankind ranging from heads with elongated skulls, faces that have thick lips, turbans and many other examples of different human species. Spanish chroniclers from the 16th century claimed that when the conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro first encountered the Incas, they were greeted as gods, “Viracochas,” because their lighter skin resembled their God Viracocha. Similar accounts by Spanish chroniclers describe Viracocha as a “White God”, often with a beard. Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, and Kukulkan: The White Alien Gods of Mesoamerica![]() One of the most prominent features at Tiahuanaco is the statue that is located at the center of the sunken temple. Believed to be a statue depicting their Creator God Viracocha, the look of this God is particularly strange. Viracocha is represented as having a beard and a mustache something very unusual because American Indians did not have these long beards and mustaches, even more strangely the representation of Viracocha is very much like the ancient Gods of ancient Sumeria in Mesopotamia. Why would the designers of this statue depict their most important God with features unlike their own? Mysteriously, as the Incan god Viracocha, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and several other deities from Central and South American pantheons, were described in legends as being bearded. The beard, once believed to be a mark of a prehistoric European influence and quickly fueled and embellished by spirits of the colonial era, had its single significance in the continentally insular culture of Mesoamerica. Kukulkan is closely related to the god Q’uq’umatz of the K’iche’ Maya and to Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs. Little is known of the mythology of this pre-Columbian deity. The cult of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl was the first Mesoamerican religion to transcend the old Classic Period linguistic and ethnic divisions The Construction of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku: A challenge to modern construction methodsWere ancient cities such as Tiahuanaco, Puma Punku, Teotihuacan built by the help of the “White Alien Gods”? Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku are amazing, the details and precision present at these two ancient cities is unique. Recent studies at Tiahuanaco has led scientists to believe that the structures were positioned in such a way that they had to be based on an astronomical principle called ‘the obliquity of the ecliptic’, which is the angle between the plane of the ecliptic (or the plane of the earth’s orbit) and the plane of the earth’s equator; the “tilt” of the earth. The Gate of the Sun, an incredible gateway believed to be by some an ancient portal, was carved from a single block of Andesite granite with incredible depictions with complex astronomical connotations which according to scholars was an ancient calendar. But the most mysterious part about Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco is how ancient mankind managed to precisely cut and move blocks of stone that weigh up to 150 tons. ![]() Teotihuacan: This gigantic citadel was home to over 200,000 people thousands of years ago. It is an ancient city unlike any other in the region. It was an ancient metropolis whose builders are unknown to history. The Pyramid of the Sun, the Moon and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl were constructed at the main plaza of the city; these were the main landmarks of a city meticulously planned, obsessed with astronomical alignments. Interestingly, the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt. If that isn’t enough there is more to leave you baffled: Archaeologists have found large quantities of Mica at Teotihuacan, yet this mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil, Mica is present almost in every single building at Teotihuacan. Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World. Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric, and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat and is thermally stable to 500 °C Puma Punku: How did the ancients do it? Are the White Alien Gods Responsible? Puma Punku is so unique in the way that it was constructed, shaped and positioned, that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet. If you look at the stones carefully, you can see some intricate stonework, as though they used machine tools or even lasers. Evidence of ancient civilizations using modern technology? Or are the white Alien Gods responsible? Several theories have been proposed as to how this labor force transported the stones from the quarries to Puma Punku, but these theories remain speculative. It is believed that the builders of Puma Punku used llama skin ropes and ramps and inclined planes to move these incredible blocks to the site. But this explanation is not accepted widely, at least in our opinion it takes more than llama skin rope and ramps to move stones of block that weigh over 100 metric tons across distances of 10 – 100 kilometers. “The officer blasted her horn…” Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said. “It appears that he intentionally put his car in reverse and rammed [the officer’s vehicle]”
911 callers reported multiple shots had been fired inside of a business; when Douglas County deputies arrived, a man was pointing a gun toward bystanders
“Officer Allatt showed bravery, strength and composure throughout the duration of the call,” the Bridgewater Police Department said. “[His] swift actions saved the life of the driver”
Have you heard about the secret space programs of the USSR? Lost Cosmonauts in Space? It is almost a plot out of a science fiction movie. There are hundreds of books and publications around the world which have talked about the space race and the numerous incidents that occurred. Who has not heard about Apollo XII and its failures, or the disaster aboard the Apollo I capsule that took the lives of Astronauts Grissom, White and Chafee… These two are only some of the many incidents that have occurred during the space race between the United States and the USSR. According to many, throughout the years, dozens of details about Soviet missions have come to light where people confirmed many myths which have circulated for years about allegedly lost cosmonauts in space. The Space Race between the USSR and the United States began during the Cold War, and both sides used their success in space as war propaganda against each other. The United States was more open about its space program while the USSR created an iron curtain which made it nearly impossible for anyone to find out more about the failures and successes of the USSR. Basically many people believe that the USSR showed only what they wanted to show. With the passage of time, theories about terrible disasters which occurred in space spread around the world, disclosing secrets that the USSR tried very hard to keep far away from prying eyes. Some believe that somewhere in the vast darkness of space, currently over 9,000 million kilometers away from the Sun, the first human being is reaching the limits of our Solar System. The Cosmonauts body, perfectly preserved, is frozen at 270 degrees below zero, and the tiny spaceship drifted for over 50 years away from Earth at a speed of almost 30,000 km per hour. This would mean that this is the first cosmonaut lost in space, forgotten in the ‘secret’ history of mankind’s attempt to conquer space. The lost cosmonauts in space, the so-called phantom cosmonauts, are the forgotten souls of mankind’s space race. All relate to Soviet astronauts and their existence, never recognized by the Soviets nor ‘officially’ demonstrated by governmental sources would prove that Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first man in space, but rather the first man ever to return to Earth alive, after being in space. ![]() According to many conspiracy theories, early missions of the Soviet Space Program experienced terrible accidents in their attempt to conquer space. These failures resulted in loss of life: many Cosmonauts made it to space but never actually made it back home. The Story about ‘Lost Cosmonauts’ begins with two Italian Brother, Giovanni and Achille Judica-Cordiglia who were amateur radio operators with an incredible passion for picking up transmission from space: specifically transmission between Russian cosmonauts and Soviet Ground control. Utilizing a very limited set up, the two Italian brothers allegedly intercepted signals which were sent by the Sputnik Satellite and even eavesdrop on Laika, the canine explorer aboard Sputnik II. The Cordiglia brothers picked up several transmission that originated in space. One transmission that they had picked up sounded like an SOS signals coming from beyond Earth: according to the Cordiglia brothers, the signal they picked up weakened and eventually disappeared: the most mysterious part is that the registered Signal had almost no speed relative to Earth: meaning that if you combine the gradual weakening of the signal it suggests that the point where the signal originated was actually moving away from our planet. The Cordiglia brothers were convinced that they picked up the distress call of a desperate Russian Cosmonaut whose spaceship overshot Earth’s orbit and was drifting away towards outer space. ![]() Not long after detecting the signal of a cosmonaut that had overshot the Earth’s orbit, the Cordiglia brothers believed they picked up another signal of a Soviet Transmission which allegedly sounded like the strained breathing and irregular heartbeat of an unconscious man. According to reports, the Cordiglia brothers showed the transmission to their father who was a cardiologist who in turn suggested that the recording they were listening was that of a man that was suffocating and suffering cardiac arrest. During a period of four years, the Cordiglia brothers released a total of nine recordings… but one of them is the most interesting of all. The mysterious signal picked up on May 1961, is a dramatic transmission where the voice of a woman can be heard… the transmission features the last minutes of a Russian female cosmonaut as her capsule burned up during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. The transcript of the dramatic transmission and the recording can be found below: YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sgc1I9sjfc five…four…three…two…one…one…two…three…four…five come in…come in…come in… Listen!…Listen…COME IN!…COME IN!…COME IN!…Talk to me! TALK TO ME!…I am hot!…I AM HOT! What?…Forty-five?…WHAT?… FORTY-FIVE?…FIFTY?… YES…YES…YES…BREATHING… BREATHING…OXYGEN…OXYGEN… I AM HOT…(THIS)… ISN’T THIS DANGEROUS?…IT’S ALL… ISN’T THIS DANGEROUS?…IT’S ALL… YES…YES…YES…HOW IS THIS?… WHAT?…TALK TO ME!…HOW SHOULD I TRANSMIT?… YES…YES…WHAT?… OUR TRANSMISSION BEGINS NOW… FORTY-ONE…THIS WAY…OUR TRANSMISSION BEGINS NOW… FORTY-ONE…THIS WAY…OUR TRANSMISSION BEGINS NOW… FORTY-ONE…YES…I FEEL HOT…I FEEL HOT… IT’S ALL…IT’S HOT…I FEEL HOT…I FEEL HOT… I CAN SEE A FLAME!…WHAT?… I CAN SEE A FLAME!…I CAN SEE A FLAME!… I FEEL HOT…I FEEL HOT…THIRTY-TWO… THIRTY-TWO…FORTY-ONE…FORTY-ONE… AM I GOING TO CRASH?…YES…YES…I FEEL HOT!… I FEEL HOT!…I WILL REENTER!…I WILL REENTER… I AM LISTENING!…I FEEL HOT… end transmission” While many people question the authenticity of the above transcripts, many people believe that the recordings of the Cordiglia brothers are irrefutable proof of the casualties of USSR’s space program. People who firmly believe that many Russian Cosmonauts were lost in space suggest that eleven Cosmonauts from the USSR lost their lives in space. The Soviet Union denied all of the above while providing very little information about their Space program which has remained an enigma in the eyes of the world. Is it possible that the Cordiglia brothers did in fact intercept numerous transmission from lost Cosmonauts? The lost Cosmonauts of the USSR space program will probably remain an enigma and the truth, if accurate, will remain in the cold and dark ‘corners’ of space. |
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